Pressure and distribution imaging report prepared by RDSI for North America Mattress Corp. - Standard 4 Stretcher
Imaging was conducted in December 2018 onsite at the North America Mattress Corp. manufacturing facility in Clackamas OR using Tactilus® imaging hardware and software manufactured by Sensor Products Inc. of Madison, New Jersey, USA.
Testing was performed in a controlled environment where the mattress was placed on a rigid laboratory surface and draped with the Tactilus® Sensor Pad. for a SUPINE view, each subject was first asked tolie on their back on the mattress with heads at the side, relax and breath normally. after three minutes images were recorded and pressure was measured for three regions of the body: Scapula (shoulder), Sacral Prominence (lower back and hips) and Calf and Heal.
Secondly, each subject was asked to roll to their left side for a SAGITTAL view with their hands to the side of the head where measurements were takn for Sagittal Scapula (shoulder) Trochanter (hips) and Sagittal Calf and Heal.
Summary test results tables are arranged according to body region for each subject. The minimum, average and maximum readings for barometric pressure are displayed in terms of mmHg (millimeters of mercury). Individual subject images with tabular data are included in this report for each mattress tested.
Subject 1: Male, 5'10", 190lbs
Subject 2: Female, 5'3", 120lb

Please contact NAMC for a detailed report.